Different, Not Less: Autism Awareness Month


North Phoenix Moms Blog

Today is World Autism Awareness Day. For many people out there this personally hits home with them, including me.

Last year we were given the life altering news that our sweet boy was on the spectrum. As a parent it’s so hard to hear that your baby is different, that he’ll have unique challenges.

He is different, NOT less.

View More: http://dreamphotographystudio.pass.us/street

When I first started this journey of understanding what it was to be a mommy to someone with Autism, I felt like I was riding a fine line of wanting acceptance but also not wanting others pity. I understand that all kids have tantrums and meltdowns but caring for a special needs child who is breaking down because the environment is overwhelming them is much different. I just wanted understanding, now I know that the answer is acceptance.

He is different, NOT less.

North Phoenix Moms Blog Autism Awareness 3

Whenever I start to get down and think about how hard things are I remind myself that I am thankful to have such a kind-hearted, loving child that is healthy, and yes there are sensory issues and yes there are challenges, but I wouldn’t trade him from the world.

He is different, NOT less.

View More: http://dreamphotographystudio.pass.us/street


I know we’ve been blessed with good people helping our son, good insurance and state programs that benefit him and I don’t take any of it for granted because I know that there are so many families out there struggling.

So on this World Autism Awareness Day I urge you to not only show awareness but to show acceptance! Because our beautiful children on the spectrum deserve that, they are different, but certainly NOT less.

Does Autism affect your family? Are you lighting it up blue today?

Thank you to Dream Photography Studio for the sweet images of my son (2nd and 4th images featured above).


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